Burns & Trauma
The current situation within the major trauma network is that there is no bypass for burns patients to the regional burns unit at Pinderfields except for selected cases conveyed by the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Other cases should follow the major trauma triage tool. The tool does not specifically cover burns - thus most patients without isolated burns and no obvious traumatic injuries will be transferred to their local trauma unit. Below are the guidelines for management of burns patients as produced by the Northern Burns Network (updated Jan 2017). This now consists of one document containing adult and paediatric referral criteria and initial guidance.
Northern Burns Network Referral Information Pack
Pre 2017 guidance can be found here (kept for reference)
The current situation within the major trauma network is that there is no bypass for burns patients to the regional burns unit at Pinderfields except for selected cases conveyed by the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Other cases should follow the major trauma triage tool. The tool does not specifically cover burns - thus most patients without isolated burns and no obvious traumatic injuries will be transferred to their local trauma unit. Below are the guidelines for management of burns patients as produced by the Northern Burns Network (updated Jan 2017). This now consists of one document containing adult and paediatric referral criteria and initial guidance.
Northern Burns Network Referral Information Pack
Pre 2017 guidance can be found here (kept for reference)